Privacy Policy

At RG Security Ltd we believe that your right to privacy should be protected at all times and we are committed to protecting it. To this end we will operate within current legislation and within the terms of the policy statement below.

The information we collect by asking you to input your details as an employer and contractor is highly protected and we will fulfil our duties under the Data Protection Act using the following principles:

  • Personal data is only collected for specific, explicitly stated and legitimate purposes

  • Personal data is not processed for any purpose that is incompatible with the purpose for which it was originally collected

  • Personal data will be processed fairly and lawfully

  • Personal data being processed shall be adequate and relevant regarding the purposes of the processing

  • No more personal data will be collected and processed than is required for the purposes for which the data is required

  • All reasonable steps will be taken to complete, correct, block or erase data to the extent that such data is incomplete or incorrect, having regard to the purposes for which the data is processed

  • Personal data that is processed shall be correct and up to date

  • Personal data will be kept for a length of time consistent with legislative requirements and or as necessary

  • Personal data will be kept safe and be protected from deterioration and in accordance with accepted good practice


Managing Director


RG Security Ltd

For a quotation, get in touch.

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