In the realm of security services, mobile patrols stand as a frontline security measure, ensuring safety and deterrence wherever they are deployed. In this blog, we delve into the significance of a mobile patrol service and how they can improve your sites security.

What’s the difference between mobile patrol and static guards?
Mobile patrol refers to the security service where trained professionals patrol specified areas or premises using vehicles, often equipped with advanced surveillance tools. Unlike static security guards who remain stationed at one-point, mobile patrollers can cover vast areas, ensuring consistent surveillance and rapid response to potential issues.
The importance of mobile patrol lies in its visibility and deterrence factor. A mobile patrol’s regular appearance around a property can significantly deter would-be criminals or trespassers. Moreover, in vast premises like industrial parks, shopping centres, or residential estates, the ability to swiftly move from one point to another becomes crucial. Mobile patrols bridge this need, offering a dynamic security solution that adapts to the evolving challenges of modern-day safety.
Innovation in security with SmartTask
Security today requires more than just human vigilance. It requires the assistance of advanced technological systems. The SmartTask Static Patrol tool is a testament to our commitment to innovation. Equipping our patrol teams with scannable tags and readers, this system is designed for efficiency and reliability.
Find out more how SmartTask guaranteed 24/7 security for our customers here.
How can RG Security help?
Our mobile security patrols are more than just guards on wheels. Our trained experts ensure that when a visible presence is required, it is done with integrity and reliability. Every member of our patrol team is fully uniformed, exhibiting the dedication and professionalism we stand for.
Understanding that each security requirement can be unique, we tailor our services according to the job’s needs. Whether it’s a sealed campus, expansive open space, or high-risk scenario, our patrol services are equipped to monitor and control your site whenever necessary.
Is this something of interest? Contact the RG Security team today to discuss your security needs and how we can help you. Call us on 023 8181 0000 or email